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8 Castell Morlais, Pontsticill. CF48 2YB



The Crafty Dragon Brewery was founded by Huw Carey in 2016 more as a hobby than a commercial project, but with the increase in popularity of craft ales and beers it was an easy decision to at least cover costs by selling the brews. 2017 has seen an expansion and the purchase of a new set of brewing vessels with further expansion planned for late 2017 / early 2018.



Ale drinkers were once ridiculed for wearing sandals and drinking warm, lifeless beers, but not anymore. Sales of craft beers are booming — and not just among men in their 20s and 30s and hipsters, but women and pub regulars too.


What is clear is that beer made in the craft style is very much on trend. Craft beer - typically beer made in a traditional or non-mechanised way by a small brewery - accounts for around five per cent of sales in our pubs and restaurants. And experts say the figure will top 13 per cent within three years.

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